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Why It’s So Hard to Find Honest Anxiety Recovery Formula Reviews

Desperation. That is what someone experiences when they have anxiety. Pure desperation.

It’s not that surprising either. Anxiety is, in many ways, fear. Sometimes that fear is subconscious, or complicated, or physical, but with anxiety, the person is reacting to fear and danger.

What happens when you are fearful for too long?

You become desperate for someone or something to help you. It’s the basic premise of every superhero movie. Fearful people need heroes.

The problem is that desperation leads to poor decisions, and that is at the heart of why there is so much controversy in the anxiety recovery field. There are simply too many different options, not a lot of research into each option, and the over-willingness for people to believe or disbelieve that a treatment works based on early or false reviews.

That is frequently the case with anxiety recovery formula reviews of all kinds, and why it is so hard to find an honest, well thought out review of these different self-help treatment options. Consider the following:

  • Self-help relies on the activities and commitment levels of the person that is being helped. Thus, an effective self-help technique may work for one personality type but not for another, simply because it may be asking an activity of someone that they may not be able or willing to do.
  • Self-help techniques are also very much influenced by the mindset that a person has going into it. Again, here is where reviews add complexity. If you assume they will work they are more likely to work than if you assume they will not.

The latter is similar to how the placebo effect works, in that if your mind is convinced that something will be effective, it is more likely to be effective. But in this case, we’re not actually talking about the placebo. Rather, we’re simply talking about the willingness of the person to connect themselves with the strategy.

This is actually not that different from therapy. Therapy is highly effective, and CBT is perhaps the most well researched mental health treatment out there. Yet if someone goes into therapy assuming it won’t work, it won’t work. It doesn’t matter how effective it is. An open mind is everything.

Ed. Note: This has long been one of the complaints people have had about Yelp. Food is very subjective. If you assume food will taste bad, it usually tastes bad, which is why the early reviews of a restaurant on Yelp can drastically change the success of the restaurant in the long term, even if the restaurant is amazing. The opposite of this is also true, where people will give better reviews to bad places if the first few people have left great reviews.

Perhaps not surprisingly, this is also how many products have successfully attacked and brought down the way people view their competitors. In the stock market, they call this “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt,” or “FUD” for short. If a company wants to hurt the stock of their competitor, they release a lot of negative reviews and misleading statements, which cause FUD, which cause further attacks and drops in stock price.

In the anxiety recovery formula realm, review manipulation has become a common issue for this specific reason. There are products right now – for example, anxiety workbooks sold on Amazon – that are receiving highly positive reviews that are paid for by the company hoping to sell the product. The result is that more people buy it, and they believe it will work, even though it is not necessarily special.

There are also formulas that have been trashed online by competitors that hope to hurt the companies, leading to armies of people that leave negative feedback and hurting the image of that company.

This is the main reason that it is so hard to find reviews of these formulas that you can trust – reviews that are honest, provide excellent and detailed feedback, and provide you with a genuinely good idea of whether a product is actually effective, and whether it is just your standard fare.

Truthful Reviews for Anxiety Self-Help Treatments

There’s no denying that there are honest reviews out there. The question is how you find them. One of the ways that people look for these reviews is they try to see if the reviewer offers the good and the bad. For example, the reviewer might be like:

“Anxiety Recovery Formula Review:


  • Very detailed with video to help you understand how it works.
  • Easy to complete, with workbooks and strategies that you can commit to.
  • Laughed the entire way through.


  • Poorly designed site for the quality of the product.
  • Glitchy – did not always open or save as it was supposed to.
  • Not enough information about OCD.”

That’s a review that reads like a truthful one, because it doesn’t just praise it or hurt it – it also objectively looks for the good and the bad. Of course, the problem is that companies know this, so you’ll need to pay close attention to those with seemingly harmless weaknesses or strengths, as they may be false. For example, if the review went like this, it’s probably not real:

“Anxiety Recovery Formula Review:


  • Very detailed with video to help you understand how it works.
  • Easy to complete, with workbooks and strategies that you can commit to.
  • Laughed the entire way through.


  • Very useful but only if you commit to it.
  • The amount of activities that work is overwhelming”

As you can see, those weaknesses are barely weaknesses. That’s a red flag.

Similarly, there are websites that review things they have not even tried before. So you’ll want to have reason to believe the person really tried the products. One company left a particularly negative review of a recovery product that is very effective, and they admitted in the first paragraph that they never used it but based it off what they assumed it would be.

Clearly that’s not good enough.

The real reviews are out there. But admittedly, there are also going to be times when you need to see it for yourself and be the reviewer. Only then can you be the one that is there to help others, while also learning a little more about what YOU need in order to get the most from your anxiety treatment.

Anxiety is an immensely beatable condition. But sometimes it’s about finding that one technique – that one formula – that works for you. That same strategy may not be the same for everyone, so it is in your best interests to take the time to discover a great, effective strategy that is going to help you overcome your anxiety. If you look for it, and commit to it, you will find it.


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