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How Employee Recognition Improves Workplace Productivity

There are two factors that contribute towards increased productivity. One is advances in technology. The other one is increased hiring. However, smart managers believe that employee recognition can do wonders for improving productivity. When employees are recognized, they realize the meaning of their efforts and how it impacts the company’s overall productivity. In other words, employee recognition is a fundamental factor in maintaining as well as increasing productivity. 

A survey conducted by reveals that more than thirty-five percent of employees believe that when their efforts are recognized their productivity levels are also adversely affected. Researchers say that recognition, coupled with rewards are real morale booster among employees. Without these two factors, higher productivity levels can be so hard if not impossible to achieve. 

Knowing the True Culture of Recognition

When it comes to recognition, it is not enough that employees are giving extrinsic rewards. It is also equally important for companies to create a kind of working atmosphere where everybody, at every level would take the time to appreciate each other’s efforts. In fact, it does not take a lot of effort to recognize employee efforts. The mere act of pausing and noticing while saying words of appreciation can already do so much to boost productivity levels at work. This goes to say that employees don’t have to wait for annual recognition events to hear their much-awaited words of appreciation. This is because when employees are only recognized once or twice a year, companies are not creating an authentic culture of recognition. The existence of a true culture of recognition is tantamount to going beyond the usual routine of aiming to achieve the needed productivity stats.

The Psychological Effects of Workplace Gratitude and Appreciation

Psychologists conducted studies on how appreciation and gratefulness impact the brain. They found out that the area of the brain called the hypothalamus is mostly affected by gratitude. The same thing also occurs to the levels of dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. The brain’s hypothalamus is responsible for regulating specific functions such as sleeping and eating. This explains why gratitude has a powerful impact on one’s life. It serves to engage the brain in a positive and persistent cycle. This positive effects that recognition has on the mind can significantly benefit people in the workplace. 

How Gratitude Boosts Well-Being

Research further reveals that acts of gratitude can also lead to improved feelings of wellness. It is also known to help improve sleep, boost metabolism and reduce stress. All these benefits that gratitude provides to an individual can also significantly impact workplace productivity as it affects employee interaction and quality of their outputs. In other words, gratitude and appreciation not only boosts engagement and performance. It also enhances an employee's overall health and positive well-being. 

Appreciation and Gratitude Creates True Culture of Recognition

Appreciation and gratitude are contributory factors in creating a real culture of recognition in the workplace. In fact, a lot of experts say that gratitude exercises also help in the development of social skills among workplace employees. When employees are prosocial, they become more capable of spreading positive well-being. This makes them more willing to help out each other at work. In turn, “going the extra mile” becomes a reality instead of just being an everyday cliche at work. 

Gratitude Leads to Happiness and Success

The ultimate benefits of gratitude and appreciation are happiness. This is because acts of gratitude create positive memories, enhances self-esteem, promotes relaxation and optimism. All these positive emotions contribute towards a “we’re in this together” mentality among employees at work. And, when everybody’s works together for improved productivity and happiness, companies have higher chances of being successful.


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