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How Music Affects Us

Music has the power to change us. This statement is not an exaggeration nor a cliche. It is one irrefutable fact proven by various studies. Read further to know how music indeed can change people.

The Emotional and Physiological Effects of Music

Music has been found by experts to have the power to stimulate emotions because of its ability to affect specific circuits of the brain. How music stimulates one’s mind is manifested through a person’s smiles while he moves his body to the rhythm of the music. In most cases, music has the power to lift one’s mood. He experiences joy just by listening to it. How music influences one’s thoughts, and emotions are also evident in that particular connection, we see when a mother and daughter sing together a specific song. It is also the same connection that we know when a mother sings a lullaby to her child.

Amazingly, music not only affects the emotions. It also influences one’s physical being. This is because music influences the hormone called oxytocin. This hormone is also referred to by some experts as the “cuddle hormone.” This hormone is also released while the person sings. This explains why listening to music and singing a song can bring about amazing emotional experience among people. Various studies also reveal that music enables the body to produce several beneficial molecules that affect a person’s biological pharmacy.

Music Increases Dopamine Levels

These emotions that people feel when listening to music is due to the increase in dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released by the brain which also regulates its reward center. We often say that our emotions are controlled by our heart. But, in reality, our emotions are primarily regulated by the brain. This is because the enormous part of our emotional stimulus is being sent through the brain. This discovery of how music affects people leads us to a better understanding of people’s emotions as it is influenced by music.

Another study showed that music could help improve emotional understanding among children diagnosed with autism. In this study, experts used specific songs to elicit different kinds of emotions. For example, they used Beethoven’s music to convey sadness. They used Pharrell Williams Happy song to evoke feelings of joy. As a result, children were able to identify emotions based on the type of music that was presented to them. In this study, experts were able to conclude that music succeeded where a person’s verbal language failed. It is through music that the brain and heart are connected. Music engages every person’s emotions in many ways and every stage of our lives. Music can reach even the most profound feelings of people. This is why it helps people get through grief, fear, resentment, and sadness.

How Music Influences Memory

Studies have shown that music helps a person in regaining portions of his memory. It has also been proven to help improve brain health. This is why more and more experts harness the power of music in enhancing the quality of life of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s A study showed that when a caregiver created playlists, the Alzheimer patient was able to improve his ability to communicate. It is with the help of music that the Alzheimer patient enabled himself to be reconnected once again to his life.

How Music Improves Learning

The harmony of music was found to have the ability to improve the brain’s neuroplasticity. Through music, the brain’s ability to reorganize information is developed. The brain is known to be a resilient organ. It can create new pathways for it to function correctly once again. The amazing thing about music is that it was found capable of enabling the brain to rewire itself after having an injury. People with severe brain injuries became capable of reconnecting to their memories when they were asked to listen to favorite songs. This serves as proof that the brain’s neuroplasticity can be improved or renewed with the help of music. Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the brain to find alternate connections while repairing damaged pathways to one’s emotions, memories, and speech.

Therefore, if you want to harness the power of music, just tune in to your favorite songs. The complexity of the fact that music moves people should not hinder one from using it to fuel positive changes to his being.


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