Facebook Addiction Disorder or FAD currently receives much attention from psychologists worldwide. The population of Facebook users continues to skyrocket not just every day but every second. Unfortunately, various studies showed that excessive use of Facebook could have adverse impacts.
Various studies have shown that addiction to Facebook and other social networking sites can lead to interpersonal and academic problems. It has also been linked to a lot of health problems. People addicted to social networks were found to have decreased social engagement. Not to mention relationship issues and declining academic performance. In this article, we’ll talk about the signs of Facebook Addiction and how it leads to a lot of issues that may entail problems if it is left unabated.
Sharing Too Much Personal Information
It is ironic to think that many people are concerned about privacy issues online. In reality, many people do not care anymore about their privacy. In fact, many people today do not hesitate about revealing their deepest secrets on Facebook. These are the same people who enjoy being praised and acknowledged for what they’ve posted. Experts say these social affirmations from friends are what lures people to have more confidence in revealing even the most personal and intimate side of them. Sadly, they put the importance of confidentiality aside. Each person has his own social needs to satisfy. Sharing with others some personal information about ourselves have become the new normal. All these are done just to satisfy one’s unquenching thirst for social media engagement.
Too Frequent Checking of Facebook Updates
Many people have made Facebook checking and updating their default activity whenever there is a chance. This is why people would always prefer to leave their Facebook account open. This way, they can still get back to it, switching between work, assignments, and Facebook. Even when they’re out on a date with their friends, they never fail to check their gadgets for ay Facebook updates. They turn to it during minutes or even seconds of non-interaction. Family gatherings now lack quality interaction. Consequently, Facebook checking has become the all-time favorite distraction of so many people. They have reached the point when real interactions with the person in front of them no longer exists. People won’t mind anymore the importance of being fully present at the moment. Thus, genuine relationships suffer.
Being Too Conscious about One’s Image on Facebook
Facebook addiction has made many people feel that it is entirely reasonable to spend too much time on thinking about what status update to post. Once an update is posted, people would eagerly wait for other people’s reactions to their post. Their desire to have lots of people seeing how cool and how awesome they are have made them too restless. They just couldn’t get their eyes off their gadgets. They see to it that whenever someone comments or likes their post, they will always be quick at responding to it.
Reporting Mundane Matters
People who became addicted to Facebook are fond of stating even the most nonsense things that they are doing. They report even the most uninteresting things that they do and the places they’ve been. They feel that they have to report everything to facebook as often as they can. One reason why people do this is their hunger for attention. The thought of many people watching them somehow gives them the illusion that many people are fond of watching their posts and that many people like them.
Even though some experts still do not consider Facebook addiction as an “official” disease, no doubt it is real, and it is prevalent worldwide. If you think you have it, better take the necessary steps today to prevent it from further wreaking havoc on your quality of life.
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