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Why Do People Love Scary Movies?

Some people freak out whenever they watch scary movies. Each scene from a scary movie would leave them unsettled for days. While others prefer just to leave the room as soon as they anticipate an impending frightening scene. But, why is it that others find joy and excitement in watching scary films?

The Benefit of Watching Scary Films: The Excitation Transfer Process

Psychologists have an explanation for this. They say that what makes horror movies appealing is the after-effect that it has to viewers. Psychologists refer to this reaction as the “excitation transfer process.” This is when people find themselves having a rapid heartbeat, increased respiration and higher blood pressure. Once the movie is over, these physiological arousal persists. Although people may not be aware of it. So, how do these symptoms of physiological arousal from excitation transfer process benefit the person? Any positive emotions that people have will be intensified. Have you noticed that after watching the film people almost don’t talk about how frightened they were? But, instead they talk more about how they felt great out of their experience of watching such scary film. In other words, no matter how scary the movie was, only one thing made a lasting impression on them -- that they all had a great time. And, of course, since they felt great from watching such movie, they long to “re-live” such experience. Thus, the experience of listening such type of film is repeated over and over again.

Born to Enjoy Scary Films

It may seem weird to some but science dictates that there are individuals who are naturally wired to enjoy scary movies. They are these kinds of people who find excitement in having high levels of physiological arousal. Research shows that there is approximately ten percent of the population who enjoy this level of adrenaline rush. These are also most likely the kind of people who are so thrilled about riding roller coasters.
This thing called “wired to enjoy high levels of physiological arousal” also explains why some people don't find excitement in watching horror or scary films. Their system finds it hard to filter unwanted stimuli from their environment. This is also the reason why there are people who are so sensitive to even the slightest change in room temperature. While others just couldn’t ignore the tag on the back part of their shirt. This kind of sensitivity also makes them prone to have an intense physiological reaction when watching scary movies.

The Lure of Novelty in Scary Films

Some people enjoy watching scary films because they like the novelty side of it. We are all aware that news about an imminent danger could disrupt regular routines. And, why on earth that some people love scary movies? It’s their curiosity about “what to do” when something dangerous occurs that piqued their interest. This level of curiosity served as the driving force behind their desire to keep on watching the film until its very end. For example, scary movies tend to highlight a scene of a person who acted as the victim of a car accident. This is something that many people do not get to encounter on a daily basis. What actually happened? What did the person do after the crash? What happened to the person after that accident? These are the questions that may linger in the minds of people watching the film. Knowing the answers to these questions fuels their desire to continuing watching every frightening scene. Moreover, others enjoy watching the film for its fantastic visual effects. The thought of everything “looking so real“ really turns them on.


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